Sunday, August 17, 2008

playing catch-up

As promised, here are a bunch of pictures from the last month (while our computer was sick and in the hospital)...

Me and Livi all decked out in our Independence Day duds (we actually took several pictures; this was the only one that even came close to being good of both of us)

Olivia having a blast with her cousin Wyatt

(Wyatt is actually wearing Olivia's sweatshirt on his head in this picture. She thought it was hysterical when he tickled her like this!)

Olivia wearing Wyatt's Groucho Marx glasses

We saw cows while we were in the mountains! This was the best one I got of Olivia and her Daddy. They were both saying "cow" and "moo".

This was taken one day back home after Olivia "helped" me water the garden:

Olivia "reading" to her baby:

Our friends the Dutys came to see us! They used to go to church with us, but now live in Texas. Olivia and Beckett were too busy checkin' each other out to be bothered with taking a picture.

Kathryn came over to play! I'm not sure that they really know how to play with each other yet; Olivia just kept following Kathryn where ever she went. I'm not sure if she wanted to play with Kathryn and didn't know how, or if she was just concerned about her toys. :) They did have a blast with those boxes.

Alathea also came to see us one day. At some point, Alathea decided that Olivia needed to eat her lunch. (I had tried to feed her earlier, but Olivia was too excited about her friend that she didn't eat much.) Alathea took Olivia by the hand, lead her into the kitchen, and proceeded to feed her split pea soup:

The same day Olivia found both her bunnies. (We keep a back up handy, in case we misplace one or in case one needs a bath.) She was pretty happy.

Granddaddy came to see us one day because he needed some cheering up. I think Olivia worked her magic! (Grammy also came the same day; I don't know why I didn't get any pictures of her! This was the day we all piled into Mama's car and drove over to the new house so Mom and Dad could see it.)

Now I know my little girl is growing up! She's already learning to walk in heels! Next, she'll be wanting to borrow my jewelry in addition to my shoes...

And, finally, we celebrated Paul's Birthday! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! I'm glad God put you on this earth 29 years ago!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

When were the Dutys in town???? I can't believe we missed saying hi to them.