Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've been tagged!

Well, I knew it would happen someday. I knew when I started a blog that I would get tagged to answer some of those "fun" questions that go around the blog-o-sphere. Really, it's a perfect time for me to one. I'm really not that busy right now with moving or anything. ;) (At least I didn't get tagged with one of those that make you answer 30+ questions. If you are thinking about tagging me with one of those, please don't!)

(Disclosure: I totally copied the following explanation of tagging and the rules from my friend Kendra's blog.)

In case you are a non-blogger and just a reader you may not know what tagging is, it is the passing along of trivial information.

Here are the official rules:

First, the rules.
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
4. If you are tagged, DO IT and pass it along.

So without further ado:

1. I used to play the flute, xylophone and the piano in high school (though not all at the same time - talk about multi-tasking!) I learned to play the guitar in college. I am really rusty on all four now.

2. I am a member of a book club named the "Friends and Bibliophiles" or FAB for short. (It is too a nice word! Go look it up!) All the members have, at one time or another, taught at Piedmont High School.

3. I get really sad when I log into my blogger account and find that I have no comments. :( So, leave me a comment!

4. My favorite color is yellow.

5. Paul and I named our daughter Olivia because it was the only girl name we could agree on.

6. I just joined the choir at our church.

Okay, 6 things you may or may not have know about me. Now, about tagging 6 other people... I'm not even sure that I know six people that read my blog! No, that's not really true. I can come up with six people that read it, if I count myself. But I definitely don't know 6 friends that read my blog and also have blogs. So, friends with blogs, here's what I am going to do. If you like being tagged, then you are it! If not, you're free and clear. (I can hear sighs of relief coming from you all...)

1 comment:

Kendra said...

As you may have read, I am such a bad commenter, but I must comment and say it's good to know 6 more things about you that I didn't know already! And I didn't want you to be SAD, now that I know what I know. ;)