Monday, December 15, 2008

prepare yourself for a cuteness attack!

Since it's been forever since I posted, I thought I'd post a little about that sweet little girl:

Olivia is now a regular chatterbox. Half the time I don't know what she's trying to say, but there are a lot of words I do understand.

Mommy (Mom-ee!), Daddy, (Dad-ee!), Olivia (ya-ya), Granddaddy (ga-da-da), Grammie (gee), Nana, Papaw, Kathryn (ka-ka), Will, Wyatt (wy), Reece, Abbi, baby, bunny (b), paci (pha), water (wa), cat (ca), dog (daw), turtle, mouse, goat (go), frog, deer, moose, bird (bir), duck, goose, baa, neigh, outside (ow-sigh), bath, sorry, amen (men), touch (toush), fall, go (as in "here you go"), again (geen), ball, balloon (boon), book, read, story, night-night, uh-oh, kiss, butterfly (fie), flower (fowr), stuck, hot, soap, bubble, rock, phone, nose, mouth, teeth, eye, foot, truck, boy, girl, bible, sun, dressed, shoes, socks, eat (e), egg (ya), cheese, cookie, juice, apple, banana (ah-na), orange, berry, pepper (as in bell pepper, one of her favorite veggies), peas, turkey, chicken, quiche, cracker, raisin (ree), cereal, bean, bib, spoon, fork, burp (we're working on "Excuse me"), more, please (pease), thank you (ee-ya), hello, hi, bye. (That's almost 100 words!)

One of her current favorite things to do is to read books. Olivia now thinks that when we read together on the couch, we have to have a blanket tucked around us. It is sweet!

Here is a recent picture of Olivia with her hair in pigtails. I would love to put her hair up more often, but it is quite a challenge with one so mobile!

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